Be the Impossible

"It's kind of fun to do the impossible" – Walt Disney

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Still running!


Dear friends – if anyone’s still out there…

I’m still here. And still running! 😀 I have about 20 miles planned for the next 7 days and I’m actually looking forward to it. Its amazing to think I used to be unable to run just one mile!

Anything is possible. Anything.

Still raising funds for Give Kids the World too.  Every penny (literally) counts!

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So I ran my first race!  It was an 8k.  Flat.  10+ mile per hour head wind.    It was my longest run to date.

I finished towards the end with my best friend and cheerleader.

BUT  I  earned a personal record on my mile, 1k, and 5k.   🙂


And it was fun.

I can’t wait for another race to beat my time!

But next time I’mgoing to have to figure out something else to do with the chip.  My ankle’s still recovering.


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BIG Announcement!

I am running for a great charity – Give Kids the World.     Will you join me through financial support?

GKTW provides week long free vacations to families who have a child with a life-threatening disease like this little princess.


I’ll be running the Glass Slipper Challenge at Walt Disney World – 19.3 miles in 2 days.  A 10k and then a half marathon!

Will join me on my journey and donate a few dollars?    The goal is for $3000.