Be the Impossible

"It's kind of fun to do the impossible" – Walt Disney


And so it begins. I’m going to run the 2014 Disney Princess Marathon.

Check one item off the bucket list!

I’m signed up and now I just have to start training. Unfortunately I had an unexpected poison ivy encounter. Which led to hives. Hives + sweat (or should I say Pixie Dust…) = no bueno. So, instead of starting my run training I am researching running and scouring the Internet for RunDisney social media.

Now, I’m no runner. I never have been. But I have always wanted to be. So now I start. I’m even planning to do the c25k training before starting into 13.1. In fact, since I’ve been known to have shin pain, I’m going to do each day of the c25k twice. So! The plan is 16 weeks of c25k followed by 14 weeks of 13.1 training. Plenty of time. And I’m going to write about it here.

I’ve discovered there’s a whole community of women bloggers who love rundisney. Since I don’t know any running buddies here in the DC Metro area I figure I’ll make some new friends.

Let the race begin …


One thought on “RunDisney

  1. You go girl! I’m so proud of you and I’ll be following your journey!

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