Be the Impossible

"It's kind of fun to do the impossible" – Walt Disney

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Who I am

2012 is over. January 5th is just a few days away.

For most people that January 5th deadline is pretty meaningless but for me it marks my “A.A.” – “After A.B.”. January 5th is the day 5 years ago I married my hubby. So for me that date is a mile-marker to gauge the happenings of life.

This year has brought a host of news: Gluten-Free, established business for me, new fire-fighter career for A.B., first house purchase, adding a dog to the family, first niece born, paid off the car, lost 10 pounds…

But really, I’m more interested in moving forward then looking back. Sure back has its place but this is about the new – the growing. A.B. and I had a good heart to heart yesterday – you know, the kind that bounces between “this is the best conversation we’ve ever had” and pull-your-hair-out-staring-stonily-out-the-window. Growing.

The best and deepest growth is easy and painless – said no one. Ever.

One of the products of that conversation is the obvious need for us to grow. As a couple? Sure. But most importantly, as individuals. For me that means I need to read and connect. I live a solitary adult life. I work from home and mostly rub shoulders with students under the age of 18. I need to be pushed not just to share.

For this new year (5 A.A. or 2013A.D. for the rest of the world) I will be attempting to spend daily time reading a good book/blogs to stretch my thinking on God and I’ll be reading/studying weekly on increasing my vocal knowledge (and that’s not even going into health and lifestyle growth!). And then I’m going to share here. Why? I don’t know – not really because I have anything of epic and original value (although I hope I help someone besides myself). Maybe because its good to write it out.

What any good teacher will tell you: you learn best what you have to effectively communicate to others.

So look out world. Time to grow.

Philippians 1:6
“Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.”